Community Liason
Title:Community Liason
Department:Nairobi Office
Closing Date:Please be advised that short-listing will be on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is identified. Kindly note that only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Title: Community Liaison 
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Grade: 03
Gross Salary: KES 63,660.72
Reports to: Senior Technical Advisor (MHPSS) & Senior Officer, Community Outreach
Supervision Given: None

RefugePoint was founded in 2005 to provide lasting solutions for the world's most vulnerable refugees. We work to fill the critical and unmet needs of people affected by war and conflict that have fallen through the net of humanitarian assistance, in particular women, children and urban refugees.

The primary responsibilities of the Community Liaison (CL) are diverse. However, primary responsibility entails serving as a bridge between refugee communities and RefugePoint through collaboration in the structuring of and engagement in a number of trauma-informed, community-based interventions.

Duties and responsibilities:

  1. Assist help-seekers by engaging in lay-counselling where necessary (helping people make informed decisions and making referral to other services or support);
  2. Co-design and implement culturally grounded, trauma-informed prevention and healing strategies;
  3. Identify and build the strengths of community members through an active process of collaboration;
  4. Establish relationships with members of their community, as well as between other organizations and RefugePoint;
  5. Community-based needs and asset mapping, and Peer Support Training);MHPSSCo-Lead, design, support developing initiatives (i.e. MHPSS Community-based needs and asset mapping, and Peer Support Training);
  6. Involvement in planning and implementation of bi-directional sensitising efforts;
  7. Provide language support (interpretation and translation) and cultural support;
  8. ​​​​Development and implementation of community MHPSS initiatives involving bridging the capacity of community leaders through community consultation, and creating a dialogue with relevant staff;
  9. Extend reach of outcomes to diversity of refugee communities;
  10. Engage in expectation management of community members.

Attend to any other duties as assigned by the line supervisor(s).


  • Be a resident of Nairobi;
  • Must be fluent in English and languages spoken by refugees/ migrants;
  • Must hold a UNHCR mandate refugee certificate, Government alien card and/or recent Government verification documents;
  • Must have a minimum of secondary school education;
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality;
  • Must be able to secure a work-permit prior to a contract being issued.


  • Post-secondary school training in (counselling, conflict resolution, clinical social work, community development)
  • Demonstrated experience in community mobilization.
This opening is closed and is no longer accepting applications
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